Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Recombinant DNA Blog Summary

In this lab, we made a model of recombinant DNA using our understanding of recombinant DNA technology. Restriction enzymes are enzymes produced by bacteria that cut DNA whenever it reads a specific sequence. They work to create different sequences. We used Hin III because it was close to the insulin sequence. If we used an enzyme that cuts the plasmids in two places, more fragments to the DNA would be made. We made a kanamycin restriction enzyme because we could use it in a petri dish to take bacteria from the plasmid. Kanamycin can treat infections that are caused by bacteria. We would not use ampicillin as a antibiotic because it treats infections that occur in the urine.
 We made the plasmid ring and cell DNA strand and we used the enzymes to match it within the insulin of each strip. We then tested the enzymes using our rings and DNA strand. We cutted our plasmid in a staggered fashion to make the enzyme. This process is important to help inspect for bacteria in the plasmid for the DNA. This process can be used to make useful products that can avoid bacteria to come in the plasmid and cure cancers that can't be cured currently.

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