Tuesday, January 5, 2016

New Year's goals

1. My goal for this semester is to get better grades in all of my classes. I will achieve this by studying for tests and quizzes ahead of time and not studying it on the day before the test is given. For math, I will do more practice problems and word problems so I know the material better. For English, I will read some books to help improve my writing skills. For biology, I will read the textbook more often, watch the vodcasts, and make flashcards for terms and key ideas more often when preparing for the test.
2. My goal for biology is to continue to do well on lab conclusions. I will make sure I will get all of the requirements for a good lab conclusion and I will try to type faster to get it done in a quicker manner and have more time to check it then last semester when I finished at a slow manner and did not have a lot of time to check it.

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