Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Unit 9 Reflection

In Unit 9, we have learned about taxonomy and how certain types of organism evolved the world. This includes bacteria and viruses, fungi, plants, invertebrates, and chordates. We learned about each these types of organisms in great detail. We have done presentations on what on earth evolved. This unit was difficult to understand since there is a lot of information to absorb.

For bacteria and viruses, we learned that they come in a variety of shapes that includes spheres, rods, and spirals and are smaller than Eukaryota cells. We learned about several types of bacteria which include gram positive and gram negative. Gram positive bacteria have simpler walls with a large amount of peptidoglycan and gram negative bacteria have less peptidoglycan and a toxic outer membrane and are more likely to be antibiotic resistant mobility. Most mobile bacteria propel themselves by flagella scatted about the surface or concentrated at one or both ends. HIV are retroviruses that use revers transcripture to copy their RNA genome into DNA. Some key terms are flagellum which are protein whip like structures that are used to propel organisms. Bacteria, Archaea, and eukaryotes that contain flagellum are composed of different proteins and are likely evolved independently. Another key term to know is chemoheterotrophs which are heterotrophic bacteria that take in organic molecules, photoautotrophs which use light to convert carbon dioxide and water into carbon compounds and chemoautotrophs which use energy directly from chemical reactions involving ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, nitrates, sulfur or iron. Viruses are not cells and are small infectious particles consisting of nucleic acid enclosed in a protein coat and a membranous envelope.

We learned about Fungi. Fungi have many traits which include their walls being made of chitin, and can absorb food through Hyphase. They are multicellular organisms with yeast. They have many parts that include hyphae, mycellium, fruiting obdy and a spore. These parts help grow fungi like mushrooms. The diversity of fungi include sac fungi, bread molds, and club fungi. They are important in many ways like they can be used for food, antibiotics and as model systems for molecular biology.

We learned about plants and have evolved through natural selection and can be understood through the understanding of the evolution of plants. The major adaptations of plants is that they can survive in most conditions. The most major plants include Bryophyta, ferns and gymnosperms. There are two types of angiosperms which include monocots and dicots. Monocots have a single seed leaf which have parallel leaf veins with flower parts being in groups of three. Dicots have two seed leaves that have netlike veins and have flower parts in multiple of 4 or 5.

Invertebrates are important for this unit as they help evolve Earth and have many phylums. Most invertebrates are very diverse are categorized by body symmetry, tissue layers and developmental patterns. Sponges and Cnidarias are phylums and are very simple as they are very old and are similar to other animals on Earth. Sponges are related to protists and Cnidarias have four major classes that include scyphozoans, anthozoans, hydrozoans, and cubozoans. Another type of phylum are platyhelminthes which include flatworms, mollusks, and annelids and are closely related to phylas. Another phyla is phylum molluska which are diverse as well. They have a complete digestive tract that have two openings which are the mouth and anus. They have a radula, mantle and ctenidia. Another phylum is the Arthropods which have exoskeletons, jointed appendages, segmented body parts and are classified by five groups which are the trilobites, crustaceans, chelicerates, insects and myriapods. They have been given a circulatory system and have sensitive organs and compound eyes. Insects have 3 pairs of legs, a head, thorax and an abdomen and are dominant terrestrial arthoropods. Crustaceans are a diverse group of arthropods and share several common features. They can vary in structure and anatomy. The last phylum of invertebrates are echinoderms. They are similar to vertebrates and have an external skeleton.

Chordates are important to taxonomy and helped evolve Earth. They include vertebrates and have seven classes of vertebrates which are Agnatha, Condricthyes, Osteichyes, Amphibia, Reptilla, Aves and Mammalia. Agnatha are jawless fish that have developed from gill arches located around the pharynx and have a lateral line system. Condricthyes are fish with skeletons made of cartilage and include bony fish that have skeletons that are made of bone. Condricthyes also have lobe fins that are paired pectoral and pelvic fins that are round and help support weight and helped evolve the first amphibians. Reptiles that are diverse amniotes. They have ectotherms, covered in scales, reproduce by laying eggs, and have a three chambered heart. They helped evolve the first modern reptiles, bird, and mammals. Aves are birds that have evolved from dinosaurs and have hollow bones, fused collarbones that form a v shaped wishbone and have three fingered hands. Mammals are egg laying and include monotremes that lay eggs like a duck billed platypus, marsupials that give birth to live young that are later mature, and Eutherians that give birth to live young that complete fetal development.

In this unit, we had a what on Earth evolved presentation. We have done lots of presentations on the types of species that have change Earth. My presentation went well even though I was worried that I would not make the presentation at least four minutes long. I did the lobe finned fish and it was difficult getting information that would relate on how it changed evolution. There was little information on evolution and I tried to make it longer by adding interesting facts. I could have improved on how I would present it. I read most of my information on the slides I made and I should have not made my slides too wordy and should of made a document of the imformation for my presentation. For my Ted Talk, I will prepare more to know what I need to present in front of the class. I would also have to memorize more information and speak more clearly.

My What On Earth Evolved Presentation

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