In Unit 10, I learned about the types of systems in the body. It includes homeostasis, circulatory system, lymphatic systems, respiratory system, nervous system, endocrine system, digestive system, and immune system. We learned about the functions of each of these systems.
Homeostasis includes negative and postive feedback. Postive feedback occurs when things go in one way away from a set point. Negative feedback is when temperature bounces back and forth. Homeostasis also includes important terms like behavioral response and physiological response.
Behavioral response is a response of a whole organism. Physiological response is the response within the body. Homeostasis helps blood glucose levels. It increases blood glucose levels. If it goes up, beta cells of the pancreas are going to secrete insulin and tells the cells to take in more glucose and allows it to go in the cell and goes down to a set point which is around 90-100 milligrams per millimeter. If it goes too low, alpha cells stimulate and secrete glucagon and tells the liver to breakdown glycogen and release glucose. Homeostasis can affect the kidney by helping it release urine from the body. It can affect evolution and can be affected by invasive species and dehydration.
We learned about the circulatory system and respiratory system, which ares systems that transports blood, gases and nutrients. It can collect and carry away waste and maintain body temperature. It can also separates oxygen poor and oxygen rich blood.
In the respiratory system, gas exchange occurs in the circulatory system. It delivers oxygen from inhaled air to the blood and expels carbon dioxide and water. The respiratory system can affect the heart and circulation flow through the body. It flows by entering the right atrium, right ventricle which pumps blood to lungs, oxygen rich blood enters left atrium, then to left ventricle which pumps blood to the body.
In the nervous system, I learned about the functions of the nervous system. The nervous system includes the central nervous system and peripheral nervous system. Central nervous system includes the brain, brain stem, and spiral cord. Peripheral nervous system includes the cranial nerves, spinal nerves, sensory neurons, and motor neurons. The CNS processes information. It has four parts that process information which are the cerebrum, diencephalon, cerebellum, and brain stem. The cerebrum controls thought, movement, and emotion. The diencephalon controls the coordinate with the endocrine system and directs info to cerebrum. The cerebellum involves calculating force and direction of muscle contraction and determines body position. The brain stem controls basic life functions. The nervous system also involves spinal cords and neurons. The spinal cord controls reflexes. Neurons are highly specialized cells. There are 3 types of neurons that receive and transmit signals. They are sensory neurons, association neurons and motor neurons. Sensory neurons carry nerve impulses from sensory receptors in the body of the CNS. Association neurons carry impulses from the sensory neurons to motor neurons. Motor neurons carry nervous impulses from CNS to muscles and glands.
The endocrine system is made up of glands that carry functions. It is slower but is a longer lasting control of bodily functions such as reproduction growth and metabolism. Glands are organs that synthesize a substance for release. Hormones are a chemical substance that is produced by glans, travels through the circulatory system to different parts of the body and affects cells with transmitters. In the endocrine system, the glands like the hypothalamus glands link with the nervous system to the endocrine system via the pituitary gland to control body temperature. There are many other glands in the nervous system that can help deal with hormones.
The digestive system is about the digestion of nutrients like carbohydrates, proteins, fats, minerals, and vitamins. The digestive system is important for the organs that help break down food. It breaks down food into energy cells can use, nutrients are absorbed and transported to all cells. Undigested material is eliminated as liquids and solid wastes. Nutrients are absorbed by the small intestine and large intestine. The three parts of the small intestine is the duodenum, jejunum, and lleum. It absorbs nutients by entering the circulatory or lymphatic systems and liver stones excrete glucose for future use as a polysaccharide called glycogen. The large intestine absorbs water and solid wastes and eliminates them. The waste is then eliminated through the anus.
The immune system helps protect the body from infection. There are two types of immunity which are innate and adaptive immunity. Innate immunity is the recognition of traits shared by broad ranges of pathogens using a small set of receptors and is a rapid responses. Adaptive immunity is the recognition of traits specific to particular pathogens using a vast array of receptors and is slower response. Adaptive immunity help deal with humoral response and cell mediated response and innate immunity deal with defenses like barrier defenses, and internal defenses. The immune systems deal with pathogens that can enter the body in many ways. Phagocytes and natural killer cells are vital in the immune system as it protects the body in different ways.
The lymphatic system is a system of tubes and sacs throughout the body that collects waste and blood from all tissues. The importance of the lymphatic system is that it clears waste from the body. It's the first line of defense when sickness occurs. Lymph nodes make lots of white blood cells and swell sore muscles from working out and uses them to pump waste out. The lymphatic system can catch cancer before it makes to lymphatic system. The inflammatory responses in the lymphatic system is the process of the body responding to a pathogen entering the body. There are two types of inflammation which are acute local and systemic inflammation that deal with pathogen response.
Since August, I have learned to make good blog posts about the things we do in class like labs, projects and unit reflections. I have accomplished on learning a lot about biology by doing blog posts. The blog posts help me with tests since a good test taking skill is writing a lot than just looking at important terms to study for tests. I am most proud of the blog posts. I have learned a good skills of making good blog posts by adding lots of information, links and pictures to make it look more appealing.
pig dissection blog post
This blog post was about doing a relate and review on the pig dissection we did in the end of the year. I added a youtube video that was made during class when we did the pig dissection. The video is about talking about certain parts of the pig's body using what we learned about each of the systems.
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