Friday, April 15, 2016


Jellyfish are a non polyp individuals that belong to the phylum, Cnidaria. This relates to the invertebrates vodcast because it's a animal from Cnidaria and share many traits of a Cnidaria. They are free swimming marine animals that have a bell shaped like an umbrella and have stinging tentacles that can kill prey. Jellyfish have occurred for at least 500 million years and are the oldest multi organ animal alive. There are four classes of jellyfish that belong to the Cnidaria. They are scyphozoa, cubozoa, hydrozoa, and staurozoa. There are 200 species of scyphozoa, 20 species of Cubozoa, 50 species of staurozoa and 1000-1500 species of hydrozoa jellyfish. The unique part of a Jellyfish is that they are useful for many resources that we use today. They are used for an appetizers that are served in restaurants. They are prepared by putting sesame oil and chili sauce. Another part of a Jellyfish that make them unique is that their glowing goo can be used to power medical devices. Their digestive, circulatory, respiratory, nervous and osmoregulatory are not very specialized. Jellyfish's bell height can range from a millimeter to two meters tall and their lifespan is from a few hours to several months.

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