Tuesday, May 10, 2016

20 Time Reflection

During this 20 time experience, I have learned a lot about myself. I've challenged myself by looking up material that I did not know much about and learning more about it to put into a Ted Talk. I chose to do computer science with my friend, who wanted to do it very much. I chose this because my friend and I were interested in it. Our goal was to create a 3x3 Rubik's cube using computer science. In order to achieve this goal, we would first determine which coding language we would use. We would then use the language to program a solver to solve a 3x3 Rubik's cube. We would use a real Rubik's cube to help make the program act like a real cube that could solve a 3x3 Rubik's cube and the net to help with cube movement. This did not go too well. We decided to make a 2x2 cube using a computer science coding language since making a 3x3 cube was going to be too difficult to do and would not get enough time to complete before the deadline. We didn't quite finish the 2x2 cube and will not make the 3x3 cube. We learned about what we were capable of doing using our computer science skills. When we started doing our program of making a rubix cube solver to solve 3x3 cubes, there were many possibilities of solving a 3x3 cube. There were so many possibilities that we decided not to do it and do the 2x2 cube because it would be easier to do. If we had a chance of doing this project again, we would still stick with the 2x2 cube since we didn't finish it last time and maybe do the 3x3 after we complete the 2x2 cube. We would continue this challenge to help improve on our computer science skills. We would also share this to others because there are some people that would be interested in doing this project and would also give people new challenges for doing projects relating to this project.

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